Welcome to my website

Hello and welcome to my website!

I’m T.L. Cerepaka, an urban fantasy writer from Texas. Well, actually, I’m really just a pen name for Timothy L. Cerepaka, an epic fantasy/sword and sorcery writer, who also writes young adult superhero fiction under the pen name Lucas Flint (which you can find more about here).

Currently, I have no books out under this name, but coming in early 2018, I will release the Vampire Sorceress trilogy, starting with Book 1, The Vampire Sword. This series will follow the adventures of twenty-four-year-old Tara Lee, a young woman who ends up straddling the vampire and sorcerer worlds after being bitten by a vampire.

This website will be primarily used for announcing new releases and special deals. I might post other things, but don’t expect regular updates. Updates will only be made whenever I have a new release, special deal, or something else to say. Feel free to comment on any of the posts or pages, however; I always love reading comments from readers and will respond as much as I can (or simply contact me directly through the Contact page on the above menu, if you would prefer to talk to me in private).

I will have more posts later on as we get closer to the release date of The Vampire Sword, including a cover reveal.

See you then,

T.L. Cerepaka